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Local Operational Procedures
Meet the Executive
Weekly Local Memos
Meeting Information
Local PD Grants & Bursaries
Student Bursaries
Professional Development
Local Conference Grant Application
* Your full name:
* Your six digit professional number:
* Your school/work site:
* Your contract status (Permanent, probationary, term):
* Are you a member of the NSTU Dartmouth Local? Yes/No
* What is your current assignment?
* Your mailing address (including postal code):
* Your email address (non-HRSB preferred):
* Your home phone number:
* Alternate phone number (work or cell):
* Name of conference:
* Location of conference:
* Start date of conference:
* End date of conference:
* Brief description of conference:
* Conference website:
* Conference registration fee:
* Estimated travel cost:
* Estimated cost for accomodations:
* Estimated cost for meals:
* Have you applied for Article 60 funding? (Yes/No):
* Have you been approved for Article 60 funding? (Yes/No/Pending):
* Have you applied for or been approved for other sources of funding? (Yes/No):
If yes above, what type(s) of funding:
* Have you read and do you understand the guidelines for Dartmouth Local PD funding? (Yes/No):
* This is to confirm all information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my ability. Your Name: